July 19th, 2022
2022 Best Mystery Finalists
Potshots / Linda Benson
Death of a Glades Man / Carl and Jane Bock
Sister! / Tom Burns
A Killing, Interrupted / Jim Carls
The Conductor Tickets Death / SM Caruthers
The Fairytale Killer / Leslie Conner
Disclosure / Diane Dickinson
The Queen of Persia Heist / Roxanne Dunn
After Pearl / Stephen Eoannou
Not Today / David E. Feldman
That Which is Lost / Alice Fitzpatrick
Ghosted / Helen Currie Foster
Inside the Echo / Cyndi Goddard
A Climate to Die For / J. Reid Graham
Shaking / Jeffrey Higgins
That Which Was Golden / Nicholas Holloway
Betwitched, Bothered & Murdered / Erick Holmberg
The Seeker / Ruth Horn
A Patch of Blue / Nancy Hughes
Elrod / Zoltan James
The Cost of a Quiet Life / Mary Keenan
Trouble in Valdez County / Bill King
Everything to Fear / Richard F. McGonegal
Smuggler’s Ridge / Keith Mulford
Desert Heat / Dale Phillips
Through Any Window / Deb Richardson-Moore
The Lies Between Us / Laurie Rockenbeck
9 Days / Jule Selbo
Zigzag Girl / Ruth Knafo Setton
Murder on Mackinac / Emma Staples
The Raptor’s Son / Raymond Steyn
Dirty Hazel and the Cat Woman / Dana Summers
Questions of Loyalty / Mark Troy
Bloodroot / Scott Walter
Found in the Seaweed / Meredith Watson
After We Vanished / Ali Wood